LinkedIn Integration

Did you ever think about how easy it would be for your users to automatically fill in your form with their LinkedIn information? All you have to do is to integrate the forms with the LinkedIn application and the fields will be prefilled with just one click. Now let’s see how this can be done.

1. Go to the Settings tab and select Applications on the left menu.

2. Under the Social category you will find the LinkedIn app. To add it, hover over it and click Add when the button shows up.

3. Then, you have to map the form fields (on the left) with the LinkedIn fields(on the right). When you add the app it comes by default with 3 mappings if on the form the Name and Email fields appear, but you can add more by clicking the Add New Mapping button.

4. Don’t forget to hit Save and that’s it.

After the app is added, when you open the form you will see an Autofill with LinkedIn button. If you are not logged in your LinkedIn account, you will be asked to log in first, for the prefill to be made after you click that button.

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