With the CaptainForm plugin, you may add your Sisow account as the payment gateway of your order form. The current CaptainForm – Sisow payment integration can receive payments in the following banks: ABN Amro, ASN, Friesland, ING, Rabobank, SNS, RegioBank, Triodos, Lanschot, and Knob.
Also, this payment gateway supports iDEAL, DIRECTebanking, MisterCash, Podium Cadeaukaart, and Webshop Giftcard. This means that if you want to receive payment to iDEAL, the CaptainForm – Sisow integration is the option you are looking for on your order form. To enable Sisow, simply go to Settings → Payments. Next, go to the Payment processors subsection and use the Payment gateway drop down to select Sisow from the list. Lastly, use the Add payment gateway button and enter your Sisow account’s credentials as requested in the box that appears below.
You’ll find the Merchant ID and Merchant Key in your account’s settings on Sisow. After you’ve typed in the information (or pasted it), use the enable/disable button on the top right and you’re done. All form submissions will be redirected on Sisow to complete payments. If you want to test your payment integration, tick the sandbox option and submit your order form.
Sisow has a sandbox system included in the merchant account for testing purposes, so whenever you enable the sandbox option from CaptainForm (enable testing mode), you’ll be able to test the payment procedure of your order form. Note: The only payment methods you can test are: iDEAL, WebShop GiftCard, and Podium Cadeaukaart.