Get More Leads With A Newsletter Subscription Form- CaptainForm WordPress Form Builder Plugin

NewsletterA newsletter subscription form can be a great addition to your web presence. It’s a very easy, but effective way to get more leads. Let us walk you through a few steps you can take to make that happen.

What’s your goal?

In order to get the desired results, you have to always keep in mind what your final goal is. Do you want the visitor to become aware of your product or service or do you want him to buy your product/ service? This way you can decide on what should be your call-to-action for the newsletter. Make it clear!

Keep it simple!

Simple and clean. You shouldn’t add too many fields. Stick to the essentials: name and email are usually enough. This way, your visitors won’t feel like it’s too much to do or too much personal information. The newsletter should be friendly and inviting, not suspicious.

Grab attention!

You can select a theme, choose the size, content, color, so that it’s relevant to your target audience and it matches your website. The submit button should stand out. The more visibility it has, the more attention it gets.

What’s in it for me?

A visitor should see value in providing his email address.

Ask yourself “What’s in it for him”. Put yourself in your visitor’s shoes.

Give readers time to fully load the page and begin reading. A great idea would be to setup the autopopup to appear after a certain number of seconds. Another personal touch would be adding a “Thank you” message after visitors submit or redirecting them to a particular page.

By using our WordPress Autopopup Newsletter tool, you can do all that, and more. To add a “Thank you” message or redirect visitors to a particular page, you can go to:  Form Settings->Notifications->Thank you page and Redirects .

You can add multiple recipients: when a visitor submits the form, at the email address you’ve set as a recipient, you will receive the data they completed the form with. Adding multiple recipients, means that the data will be sent to multiple email addresses. The recipient can be changed or you can add multiple recipients in Form Settings->Notifications.

Email marketing addons. With CaptainForm you can also extend the capabilities of your newsletter subscription form by integrating it with 3rd party apps like Mailchimp. By doing this, all the email addresses will be instantly sent to your email marketing list.

Do you think adding a newsletter subscription form to your website would be a good idea? Let us know in the comments section below.

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