Happy International Programmers’ Day 2016 From Our WP Form Builder!


It’s January 7th, the day we celebrate the accomplishments of programmers. When you think about the modern world, computers, technology and software immediately come to mind. Behind every website we love there’s a programmer or teams of programmers who make things run smoothly.

Thank you Programmers!

Information is power, technology is power and keeps getting better and better thanks to great innovations that come from programmers.

If we go back in time, we find out that Ada Lovelace, a British countess and mathematician, is considered the first computer programmer. She was the first to write and publish an algorithm intended for a computer. But computer scientist Konrad Zuse was the first person to run a program on a functioning modern electronically based computer, in 1941.


In 2007, January 7th was the date for the first International Programmers’ Day celebration. However, in Russia, The International Programmers’ Day was officially recognized in 2009 and nowadays is celebrated on September 13 during common years (September 12 in leap years). The event takes place on the 256th day of each year, the number 256 being chosen because this is the number of distinct values that can be represented with an eight- bit byte, also the highest power of two that is less than 365, the number of days in a common year.

Fun Fact

In 2014, President Obama joined Code.org, an international forum for coding and coders and became the first president ever to write a computer program.

So, how will you celebrate this geeky day? Share your ideas with us on Facebook, Google+ or Twitter with the hashtag : #programmersday.

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