How We Chose The Name Of CaptainForm For Our WordPress Form Plugin

How we chose the name of CaptainForm

Looking back at how you chose the name of your company or your product, you will always remember how completely drenched in hope and excitement you were. You will also remember the long list of possible names and how some of them were shortlisted, while the others were cast away *moment of silence*.

This was also the case for CaptainForm – the WordPress form builder, whose name took a while to discover and decide upon. The first step we took was to clearly outline the values that we wanted our plugin to transmit. Also, we defined the audience and spoke about what they look for in a WordPress plugin. After a five page document filled with admirable values and characteristics we started looking for types of people and professions that embodied them.

And so we came up with a humongous list of possible names. These are but a small part of them: MajorForms, FormsChief, FormWhiz, SpaceForms, FormsPower, MagicForms, FormKing, WonderForm, PrimeForms, DandyForms, FormWarrior, FormLord, FireForms, OmegaForms. Looking back I laughed so much a tear came to my eye. Needless to say, none of them were chosen, some of them because they didn’t fit, and some of them were unusable due to copyrights. This carried on for about three months.

What we saw was a pattern, we were looking for the leader-type of person who’s character was beyond that of the regular, but the word Captain never came to mind. Then one day, while we were sitting idly in the kitchen, someone said “Hey, how about CaptainForm?”, and it clicked.

We realized that the current popular trends were all focusing on superheroes one way or another. The advertising world was going mental with The Avengers and everywhere everything had something to do with Iron Man or Captain America. After some research we saw that the name was available, and we claimed it, giving it our own spin, and of course, our tone of voice.

Do you think the name CaptainForm fits, was it a wise choice? Tell us the story of how you chose your brand or product name.

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